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Media Release – Denison Gas Awarded 100% Interest in New Denison Trough Block

October 31, 2019 , Last updated on
  • – Denison Gas appointed as preferred tenderer for Denison Trough Block, PLR2019-1-3
  • – Adjacent to Denison Gas’s 100% interest PL173 (Yandina) and PL42 (Rolleston) blocks
  • – The company’s 127km main northern gas pipeline (PPL10) traverses the block
  • – Nearby gas processing capacity available at the 100% owned Rolleston Gas Plant
  • – Block is highly prospective for conventional and coal seam gas

Denison Gas Limited and its affiliates (together Denison Gas) are pleased to announce that Denison Gas Limited has been appointed as preferred tenderer for PLR2019-1-3 in the Denison Trough.

The Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, Premier of Queensland and Minister for Trade announced the appointment yesterday at the Queensland State of the State address 2019. 

PLR2019-1-3 is located 82 kilometres south of Emerald and includes 182 sub-blocks with a total area of 568 km2. The area immediately adjoins, and connects, Denison Gas’s 100% owned and operated PL173 (Yandina area) and PL42 (Rolleston area) Petroleum Leases.  Denison Gas’s 127km main northern gas pipeline (Pipeline License PPL10) runs across the area covered by PLR2019-1-3.  The location of the area is shown in the attached map.

Early exploration of the block was focused on conventional gas targets using technology available at that time and 5 wells were drilled in the block.  Denison Gas will be applying modern exploration techniques to extend past exploration of the block and will also focus on understanding the potentially vast gas resources hosted within the Permian coals in the area which have been the impetus for re-appraisal of the region more recently.

Denison Gas is currently refurbishing and restarting gas production and processing infrastructure, including the Rolleston Gas Plant.  This infrastructure could be used to process any gas developed in the area for sale within the Australian market, consistent with the conditions of the award.

Denison Gas will now proceed to obtain the formal grant of the Authority to Prospect (“ATP”) for PLR2019-1-3.

The CEO for Denison Gas, Robert Gard, commented on the announcement:

“Denison Gas is very pleased to be awarded PLR2019-1-3.  Our work to date in the area has indicated significant prospectivity both as direct analogues to our existing producing fields and extensions to the substantial coal seam gas resources we have identified in our adjacent Petroleum Leases.  We remain highly confident in the potential of this area and, with our existing pipeline infrastructure crossing the block and capacity available at the Rolleston Gas Plant, are very well placed to progress near-term development of any discovered gas.”

Location Map

About Denison Gas:

Denison Gas is a gas exploration and production company established to acquire and develop significant existing gas resources in the Denison Trough.  Denison Gas assumed operatorship of its Denison Trough assets in April 2019, following acquisition of interests in those assets from Santos and APLNG.

Denison Gas is the sole beneficial owner and operator of the Denison North and Denison South assets and has a 50% non-operated interest in the potentially significant deep gas play, operated by APLNG, which underlies the Denison South assets.

The Denison Gas operated assets in the Denison Trough include:

  • – PL 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 54, 67, 173, 183 & 218;
  • – PPL 10 & 11;
  • – ATP 1177 (including PCA 153 and 154); and
  • – Gas treatment, compression and transportation infrastructure capable of handling around 60TJ/day.

More information regarding Denison Gas is available at

For further information please contact Robert Gard (CEO) or 02 9419 7657.

PDF: Media Release – Denison Gas Awarded 100% Interest in New Denison Trough Block

PDF: Media Release – Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy